eleveneightnate wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 8:14 pm
A new burnt orange colorway for AK? Hopefully it shows up in some of their more affordable pieces.
This is whatever used to be AK457 or whatever they call it now ("AK Japan Guide?"). These colorways don't transfer over, which sucks because that shade of blue is awesome.
this is the Acamar line. Those colors are all over next year.
Cool, looks like Acamar is either rebranded 457 or Birton rolled over features from 457 spiritual successor. Looked at the website and they have some stuff that was Japan only (the radio loops and the mesh rear of the bib). Glad it's available in the States again.
@pow_hnd you know if the JP design team is still involved with "Acamar"? Remember you posting last season 457 was dead.
That bright blue color is dope as hell, if they make a Cyclic in that colorway I might finally use my Burton warranty credit.
eleveneightnate wrote: Sat Jan 25, 2025 1:26 pm
That outerwear designer on the last iteration of EZ, for example, got nothing but respect and civility because that’s what he brought here, too.
Also in the previous EZ incarnation, there was the designer/shaper behind the Smoking Jetson, if I'm not mistaken... He gave us a lot of great info and insight
Skidding turns since 2011 - Capita & Salomon boards, Jones Mercury bindings, Salomon boots