yeah, you are correct. feels like talking to maga people (certain they are correct without any evidence and are more knowledgable than people that have actually ridden it) what's even more bazaar is that one of the main innovators of FASE is jf pelchat from NoW binding (skatetech)
im not talking about the tech but about your posts
the tech seems fine ^^
yes, i got that. sorry if that sounded like i wasn't referring to your reply.
it sounded like you where referring to my post and that you didnt get what im saying judging by your answer.
GL with fase
Edit: maybe im the one not geting it.
playing language barrrier card and raise you a im tiered card. =P
Spenser wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:38 am
Maga comparison is a reach, but I can see your perspective.
Also - You can like one thing a person does, and not another. Fase and skate tech are two different things. Some may like one or the other, some may like both, and some may like neither.
that would make sense if they had tried FASE. it would be perfectly fine if they had ridden FASE and not liked it. did these same riders make their conclusion about skate tech before they had even tried it
Spenser wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:38 am
Maga comparison is a reach, but I can see your perspective.
Also - You can like one thing a person does, and not another. Fase and skate tech are two different things. Some may like one or the other, some may like both, and some may like neither.
that would make sense if they had tried FASE. it would be perfectly fine if they had ridden FASE and not liked it. did these same riders make their conclusion about skate tech before they had even tried it
I hear ya. I was just speaking generally re: the JF comment, although maybe I misinterpreted it.
I haven't been following this discussion closely, but it's true that EL in particular is an unlikely forum on which to find people who are interested in any fast entry, even good ones, and generally will be critical of it (usually reasonably & logically) until it's widely proven over more time - even if they still aren't interested.
The rest of the discussion is whatever it is, from both sides. People be peoplin'
This place has definitely been a bit spicy lately.
dpartridge7 wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2025 11:37 pm
i don't recall anyone stating FASE performs better than regular 2 straps
dpartridge7 wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 6:49 pm
Our goal with FASE, in collaboration with our brand partners, is to deliver the best high-performance two-strap binding system. It enhances the locked-in feel, precision, and board connection of traditional two-strap bindings
No stake in this debate, but the FASE post you quoted definitely claims that.
With all due respect to buyers, entrepreneurs… but except for step ons due to their different ride and performance, (which I haven't tried yet and it's a matter of taste) I can’t understand to start a descent thinking about doing a 180, a wallride on an icy wall, two straight jumps, 6 turns with my hand touching the snow, 4 very long and sustained backsides. and two butters and just before it is a nuisance to bend down to adjust the bindings or put my bum on the ground for two seconds or slide on one foot while I adjust myself???
A variable that occurred to me recently which may be overlooked by ELers due to relative skill, is that step on-ins et al, allow the unskilled to 'strap in' (binding ingress) without sitting down / noob wet ass / unskilled stand up, that whole undignified process.
I'd say for the majority of buyers, the benefits of an automatic transmission outweigh the performance benefits of a manual, and they can skip the humiliating learning curve.
C.Fuzzy wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2025 9:12 am
A variable that occurred to me recently which may be overlooked by ELers due to relative skill, is that step on-ins et al, allow the unskilled to 'strap in' (binding ingress) without sitting down / noob wet ass / unskilled stand up, that whole undignified process.
I'd say for the majority of buyers, the benefits of an automatic transmission outweigh the performance benefits of a manual, and they can skip the humiliating learning curve.
As I said, there are a bunch of strong points to step-on, I see it as a permanent part of snowboarding as of now moving forward. I also feel it will benefit snowboard as a whole.
Thankfully Donna saw fit to not make the mistake of 3D and Channel and not try to unify the industry around it by letting them use it. I mean they do allow Channel now, but hasn't always been the case and 3D they majorly fucked up on and she said as much on her Bomb Hole. Burton is doing it right this time.
SLC, UT - Cardiff Snowcraft - Union - Spark R & D - AK457 - DC - Dang - Milosport -
michaelangelo wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2025 9:21 pm
none of these bindings perform better than straps and never will
i don't recall anyone stating FASE performs better than regular 2 straps, apart from the convenience and ease.
call us when pros who aren’t being paid to ride them or shops who stand to benefit from selling them but still only manage to say “they’re actually not bad! i wasn’t fully disappointed by these” can give an overall glowing review of their actual performance.
for example, Joe Sexton is a rad guy, but he’s also down to ride something for a paycheck. see: when his contract with Fix ended, he immediately went back to riding Union’s. Fix were fine enough to ride and promote while they were paying him, but not good enough to keep riding when they weren’t.
I think it's also worth noting that many (most) of us on here are not riding even remotely stock bindings and especially the Now guys have gone to great lengths to get their bindings set up[ and feeling 'just so".