Mark Fawcett's take on the Unions was that "I like the feel of them underfoot. Really feels like a Union binding. Strong contact at the boot sole to footboard interface."eleveneightnate wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2024 7:48 am Looks like companies just license the chassis, replace the upper portion of the highback and footbed material, then call it good. Those look like they have Adidas boost in the footbed, though, which is kinda cool.
The only binding that's really a huge departure from all of the v2 bindings is the EST Genesis... which is more than adding EST to a Genesis. It's lighter, flexier, more board feel and more responsive actually... totally different beast.
I'm picking up a Gril Master just to pair it with one of these bindings. My first Burton board I've ever owned actually (if you disqualify the Backseat Driver powsurf). I rode my buddies 155 Gril Master w/EST Genesis and it was so light and responsive. It feels more like a skateboard than the volume shifts ever did to me... but can still hold a decent edge (doubt its the best in icy/super hard conditions). May end up being my mellower riding / powder trees board.